Life After Study Abroad
“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” - Nelson Mandela
Welcome back from your study abroad! We hope you had an amazing experience – it’s so wonderful how we are able to grow through all of the challenges and adventures that come with living in a different country: from traveling by ourselves, to experiencing entirely different cultures from our own, and even in learning how to make ourselves happy.
The CLA Study Abroad & International Programs team offers several resources to students looking to continue their involvement with study abroad and international education. These include resources about understanding your feelings about re-entry, sharing your experiences with other students, and continuing to be a multi-cultural person. Help future participants by serving as an International Education Ambassador. Reflect on your experience by taking a re-entry class. Share your photos by participating in the CLA Study Abroad photo contest. In these ways, you can continue to learn and grow from your international experience.